When it comes to supplying art, do you ever get lost or confused when a Graphic Designer starts throwing words around such as, vector, high res, fonts, EPS and the dreaded resupply? Don’t get frustrated. It is for that reason our skilled Graphic Designers at Computercut Signs are here to help you through the creative process. Likewise, our whole team is focused on your best interests. We want to ensure your final product is at the highest quality possible.
As a result of our desire to provide outstanding customer service, below is breakdown of what is expected and a quick breakdown of Graphic Design vocabulary.
Vocabulary breakdown:
Graphic Designers love vector art files; they are gold! Vector images are scalable and exactly what a graphic designer and print shop need to create the best outcome. File types are ai, pdf and eps.
These art files are the types your master logo and/or graphic should originate.
Raster images are at size and cannot be scaled up. These file types are as is. Raster images cannot be upscaled without a chance of the art having pixilation. File types are png, jpg and tiff.
Imagine a photo in a frame… it is, what it is. There is no going back.
• TIF is a large raster file.
• JPG and PNG are smaller images and are generally used on the web
• Sneaky… Opening a JPG in Adobe Illustrator and saving it as an AI file does not make it vector art.
High Resolution
High res is short for high resolution. This is the dots per inch your image covers. 300 DPI is the optical size for print. Anything you pull directly from the web is 72 DPI and are not able to be used in quality print files.
Supplying art for in-house design or re-sizing:
1. File types:
Vector art logos – these are scalable
SVG is an alternative and can have some limitation. We suggest asking the designer if they can work with this art file type.
2. Images:
300 DPI are High Res images
Illustrator – embed the file
InDesign – package the file and send the full package
3. Fonts
All fonts used in the design and logo
Supply the fonts individually or package the file from Illustrator or InDesign.
Setting up from Adobe:
Adobe InDesign or Adobe Illustrator clear any art not on artboard, delete all unused colour swatches and send the packaged file(s)
Supplying final artwork files:
1. File types:
PDF single layer
In some cases, art that is a High res JPGs can be acceptable, but please speak with the Graphic Designer to check.
2. Images:
High Res 300 DPI
Set to CMKY
Embed or supplied
3. Fonts:
Set to outline
Supply the font(s)
Package from Illustrator or InDesign
4. Colour:
If you have a very specific colour requirement, please provide Pantone (PMS) code/s.
5. Bleed:
Ask the printshop if they need bleed on your art
5-10% clearance on all edges is always a safe amount
Bleed allows for any shift when printing, cutting and/or application
6. Crop marks:
Ask if the printers need them. Not all prints need crop marks if the art is created to size.
Furthermore, when it comes to supplying art our skilled Graphic Designers at Computercut Signs are here to help you through the creative process. In addition, our whole team is focused on your best interests and producing the highest quality art as possible. While providing outstanding customer service.
We look forward to your business and working with you in the future.